Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today in 6th Grade History, we had a wonderful debate about whether or not Confucianism is good for society. Some felt that societies needed harsh, enforceable laws to maintain order, while others felt such laws were too burdensome and would make people want to rebel. Both sides did a great job stating and defending their cases!


Thursday, February 7, 2013


We had a great day today! First of all, I'm so proud of my 6th Grade Bible students! I just finished grading a test about the entire life of Abraham and the average score was 97.7! It was not an easy test by any means, including four essay/short answer questions. This is one of those moments when a teacher realizes that their students know their stuff! I give additional credit to their previous teachers, parents, and Sunday School teachers & pastors!

Secondly, we had a fun Spirit Team activity after lunch, whereby the teams were required to toss color-specific wads of paper from the upstairs track down into a trash can on the gym floor below. My team won with 11 scores! Way to go, team!!